The Rényi AI Research Group

The Rényi Institute

The Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics is a significant center of international mathematical life. It provides an ideal working environment for mathematical research; since its foundation in 1950 it has played a prominent role in shaping Hungarian mathematics. The institute has a lot of experience in handling larger scale grants; in the past decade it hosted 7 Lendület (Momentum) grants and 9 ERC grants (one of them is a Synergy Grant). In addition to its world class ranking in research, it is engaged in scientific publishing and networking. The institute regularly runs summer schools for young researchers, seminars, named lecture series, and major conferences, sometimes with hundreds of participants.

Rényi AI

The Renyi Institute is a research institute in mathematics, focusing mainly on theoretical research, but also open for collaborations related to applications that lead to fundamental mathematical questions. Realizing new trends in mathematics and other sciences, the institution has started new research directions in the subject of mathematical foundations of AI (mainly concerning neural networks and deep learning). The institute has built up an AI team that has a careful balance of theorists and deep learning / machine learning practitioners. The practitioners in the team are well-versed and up-to-date in the extremely fast-paced world of deep learning, but at the same time, they can to contribute to foundational research. The theorists of the team are world-class experts in the highly abstract theoretical machinery, but at the same time, they do not shy away from running simulations. This balance creates an optimal environment for a free flow of ideas between theory and practice, thus, underpins pursuing the general goal to bridge the gap between mathematical theory and deep learning practice.